Thursday 29 June 2017

Dead Metal Punks - Level 13 Concord Starstation Part 9

Mining drone enemies are now finished. They work in a similar way to the helicopters but with some extra complexity. First they move to various locations around the player but do not constantly move with the player like the helicopter. Also they will occasionally boost higher into the air to dodge projectiles. They have a relatively low healthpool of 10.

Now that these are finished Lily's first section has been fleshed out with hordes of them and a few soldiers mixed in. Since this is the final level and it needs to be fast the player is given a rocket launcher and machine gun at the start of the section, a poorly hidden shotgun at the midpoint and an additional rocket laucher at the core.

The amount of Drones makes it still have some challenge even with all this firepower because there is a lot of projectiles coming at the player from various angles. The way back to the exit is a bit less packed with enemies so the weapons the player gained should all be near empty for the next section.

Finally I have started expanding the amount of models in the scenery, these models are basically complete in terms of UV mapping and Lightmapping. Also made some odd materials to make the Powercore look interesting.

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