Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Lab Model Building Part 2 - Walls

A set of walls are finished now. They were a lot more texture work than I initially thought they would be, because of the amount of edges and shading I had to do it ended up taking around 7 hours to get everything up to par. Originally I was going to keep them fully silver/blue but it looked boring, so I've used the colour for enemy trims to give them small amounts of colour to break up the desaturated areas. The curved wall was also an excuse to improve the feel of 80's sci fi by adding cloth panels along the wall and they also make going down a corridor not look dull!

Also to save the annoyance later on in development. I've built a library of over 100 new sounds (from various copyright free sources, my own effect mixes and effects I've bought) so I don't have to go hunt for a new sound every time I need one.

Finished Assets.

Wireframe. All the basic panels are only a single poly since I knew that I could achieve the look I wanted with just textures.

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