Sunday 4 December 2016

Level Design Part 10 - Lily Intergration

Over the last 2 days I've gotten Lily to a point where she is almost completely finished (Only needs in base integration now which isn't that important at the moment). For the animations each of her guns needed its own set due to the hand poses so she has came to 54 animations in total and has 6 animation blueprints. 

I decided on splitting each guns animations into a different blueprint because the communication between one set of animation was complicated enough and swapping to a different one was quicker and works just as well as one extremely complicated animation blueprint.

For the weapons I looked to metal slug for why its guns are fun to use. From what I saw and played with there are 3 main aspects that make its gunplay fun. First is the rate of fire, shooting huge amounts of bullets looks more exciting and makes the gun feel very powerful. Secondly, it has great sound for the firing of weapons that give a great sense of impact. Finally they don't have reloading so that there isn't any downtime where the player stops being able to shoot, for example it's more fun to shoot 300 bullets in one stream than reload every 30 bullets.
Animation/gameplay video

Lily's Character Blueprint

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